Anna Kirkman

Community Music Services Manager

Registered Music Therapist

Anna is a lover of all things music. She has been singing and writing songs since she could talk, and loves to play the piano and guitar. Anna holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music) from the Queensland University of Technology and a Master of Music Therapy from the University of Melbourne.

In her capacity as a Registered Music Therapist with Music Beat Therapy Services, Anna loves working in early intervention, family-centred therapy, and supporting individuals with vision impairment. Coming from a musical family, Anna is passionate about the role of music during early childhood, as well as fostering parent-child relationships through musical experiences.

She leads the Music Early Learning Program (MELP) team with Music Beat Kids, and leads the Lessons and Tuition team, as well as running groups at our Nundah location.

When Anna is not making music with Music Beat Kids, she enjoys singing at her church, reading, dancing, and being with her cats.

Other Team Members

Roxie Snowflake

MBHQ Security & Doggy Music Tutor

Riza Partoredjo

MELP Group Leader

Jihan Johnston

Finance Manager