Tom Hockey

Assistive Solutions Team Leader

Registered Music Therapist

Tom is a Registered Music Therapist who has always been deeply passionate about supporting others. Prior to joining the team, Tom spent six years employed as a disability support worker, running group music programs as a part of this role.

Tom Holds a Bachelor of Music and Sound Design and a Master of Music Therapy. He specialises in development-focused therapy for children with a range of abilities, and mental health support for adults of all ages.

Tom is a lifelong fan of pop, rock, funk and blues. The guitar is Tom’s favourite instrument to play, and he also loves singing and playing the drums.

Did you know that Tom collects strange instruments? The strangest instrument that he owns is called a handpan, and it looks a bit like a UFO.

When he is not playing music he is a keen swimmer and bushwalker, and especially likes seeing animals out in the wild.

Other Team Members

Roxie Snowflake

MBHQ Security & Doggy Music Tutor

Riza Partoredjo

MELP Group Leader

Jihan Johnston

Finance Manager