Our Music Beat Kids music early learning programs is available to childcare centres, family day care, mothers’ groups, pre-prep and kindergartens around Brisbane.
We use empirical research in music therapy and early childhood education to enhance and support children’s cognitive, social, physical, emotional and behavioural development.
All Music Beat Kids groups are child-centred and interactive; all music is played live and while we work from a highly developed session plan.
All groups are reactive to the children’s needs and are responsive to their participation on the day.
Our approach means that very young children can be included in our classes, where we focus on music and development.
Older children’s development and early learning is supported through music early learning principles of our sessions.
We offer our programs in three flexible ways to cater for all family and centre needs. If you are a parent and would like to see Music Beat Kids offered at your child’s centre, please get in touch and we will do the rest.
Our preferred delivery model encompasses the whole centre in our music early learning and education classes.
This means all children attending the centre receive Music Beat Kids sessions each week as part of their childcare fee, as set by the childcare centre.
Each Music Beat Kids session runs for thirty minutes and is conducted by visiting Music Beat Kids group leaders who are highly experienced in early childhood settings.
Music Beat Kids music groups are currently offered as part of the childcare centre curriculum in centres across Brisbane.
We can implement a program with your centre today that will suit your requirements and budget. Contact us for further information, or to organise a seminar or trial today.
We offer one-off interactive music groups for children in childcare including those under two years of age. This is like a music show but better as the children actively participate and experience the magic of making live music with us in our child-centred program. Please contact us for further information.
Any questions? We have probably answered them here.