Music Beat Australia provides community music, music early learning, education and therapy programs for children and adults of all abilities.
Our services include music groups for parents and children, childcare programs, special one off childcare visits, music therapy sessions and holiday programs.
We also specialise in supplying music instruments and products for parents, music educators and music therapists.
Our highly trained and accredited team of music therapists, musicians, and teachers are focussed on ensuring our clients are ‘developing every day’ through music.
We deliver programs in community settings, child care centres, special needs schools, disability organisations and in our clients’ homes.
Music Beat began as an idea of our founder Dr Vicky Abad, who is a world leading authority in paediatric and early intervention music therapy and music early learning. You can ready about our history and Vicky’s story here.
At Music Beat our philosophy is to be ‘developing every day’ to match the needs of the families and communities we support.
Our families are growing and developing every day at music with us.
Parent-child relationships are developing every day with music as a facilitator.
Brains are developing every day in music groups, in lessons and with therapy.
Every day gets maximised by having music in it.
Once we have music as a part of our development recipe it continues to affect us, our relationships, our neurology, our skills, our emotions long after the music has stopped.
Music supports us all every day to form healthy relationships with our loved ones, in our homes and it helps us connect with our communities.
It also helps our children to learn and grow and supports their everyday development.
At Music Beat we want to support you to tap into this amazing resource, and use it enrich your home lives, relationships and support your children to grow into happy healthy humans.
We all have the capacity to make music and for music to play a role in our lives.
At Music Beat Australia we are dedicated to helping you connect with your musical self and use this to support your little ones as they grow, learn and develop to reach their potential no matter their abilities.
That’s why we believe in ‘developing every day’.
Our research shows that the more you share music in the home with your children, the better the long term outcomes.
We know from the research that music made live between you and your child, led by the voice, is the best way for little people to experience music and support brain development.
Our programs create a space where we get back to basics and nurture face to face interactions as we connect with each other and sing, dance and move to music so that you feel confident to do so too.
We make and play music live, we sing, we nurture relationships and provide age appropriate multi-modal stimulation.
© Copyright 2025 Music Beat Australia. All rights reserved.